News – CASPA

CASPA Young Person acknowledged with Young Achievers Awards

Written by CASPA Services | Jul 6, 2023 5:33:07 AM

At the recent Glencore McArthur Mining Regional and Rural Initiative Awards, CASPA young person, Angela was recognized with a nomination for their 2023 Young Achievers Award.

It was Angela’s work on developing an app that helps other young people learn aboriginal languages that was acknowledged with the nomination at the Awards evening, but the event was much more than the nomination for Angela and her CASPA team.

With her House Leader, Goodness, finding and receiving approval to allocate some funds from the house budget, Angela got to go shopping and find a dress for the evening. Managing to stretch the $160 she had, Angela found a dress for the event, as well as a new pair of shoes, a bag and necklace… and had some change left!

Her team were proud to see Angela actioning the life skills that they have talked about and worked on.

Attending the event with Goodness as her guest, Angela proudly went on stage to receive her award.

Watching Angela plan out the evening for herself and her boldness going onstage was amazing to me. She did justice to it all and she is super proud of herself and the achievement”, said Goodness. She is kicking goals and living true to it and we want to see more of these things happen for her!”

Please join us in congratulating Angela on her hard work and achievement. We can’t wait to see what’s next for Angela.