Blake’s Story

Blake’s Story
“I have been with CASPA learning to live independently for the past two years, when I first arrived at CASPA I was non-verbal and often used my mobility chair for transportation due to my cerebral palsy.
Since then, my life has changed dramatically, through perseverance and working with my amazing disability support workers I have managed to build my “super muscles” up with the doctors so that I can walk all by myself, I have even learnt my ABC’s and can now also communicate my needs and jokes verbally without assistance.
My team has also taught me how to cook all by myself with minimal assistance required that makes me feel excited and happy to be a “big man”.”


Blake who is our Supported Independent Living participant celebrated his birthday by going bowling with his family & friends. Since moving to SIL at CASPA his whole quality of life has improved considerably. He has become independent in most aspects of his life with the Support of his Disability team and his NDIS plan, he continues to work towards achieving his goals.

This is called Supported Independent Living and it’s what we do really well here at NDIS CASPA.