Together we thrive

CASPA envisions a future where children, young people, families and people with disabilities in regional Australia feel connected to their communities, with access to support, resources and opportunities to thrive.

Who is CASPA

Our impact

Two school-aged children working together on a laptop, engaged in learning and collaboration, in a bright and supportive environment. CASPA Logo Star Blue
  • 58

    Successful family reunifications over the last 5 years
  • 6.7%

    Increase in placement stability over the last 12 months
  • 120

    Young people supported by CASPA's alternative schooling
  • 60

    Young people were skills trained through CASPA's social enterprises
A happy, diverse, same sex couple with a young child enjoying time together at a playground.

Join the village

Your village is your safety net. They are there to provide the time, support and resources you need to get through the hard times. But what if you don’t have one?

All young people deserve to thrive, regardless of their background or the complexity of their needs. Everyone is entitled to the care and kindness of a community.

CASPA is dedicated to bridging the gap, and inspiring and supporting individuals to come together and be the village that every family needs.

Become a carer
Heart Icon Baby Blue
A young boy playing soccer in the backyard while three smiling adults watch and cheer.

CASPA stories

Big or small, telling stories helps us understand our history, our differences and our common ground. They bring us together for a shared purpose, and inspire us to build a better world. 

By sharing our stories, the stories of those we support, and the stories of our community, we aim to support a wider sense of connection and understanding.

Latest stories

CASPA near you

CASPA serves regional areas across New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory with dedicated after hours support teams to support your community.

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