Join the village
Join the village

The perfect carer
… doesn’t exist! You can be gay, retired, single, renting, or have children of your own.
The most important thing is that you have the patience, stability and openness to welcome a child into your home.
While there are some essentials all carers need, CASPA gladly welcomes carers from a diverse range of backgrounds and lifestyles, and provides you with the training and support you need to navigate challenges along the way.
Empathy essentials
I am motivated to help children and young people thrive.
I want to treat a child in my care as an equal member of my family.
I want to help young people return safely to their families.
I am willing to look after myself so I can best look after a child.
I can help a child navigate big feelings about being in care.
I can dedicate my time and energy to being with a young person.
I’m ready, let’s get started
Attend CASPA's free online Shared Lives training and start your foster care journey.