Who is CASPA?

CASPA provides compassionate, innovative and quality services to children, young people, families and people with disabilities through relationships and holistic support. CASPA's uniqueness is in working with people who have some of the highest needs and complex childhood traumas in Australia. ​We are a loud and proud advocate for accessible, resilient communities and thriving youth. When we show up, speak up and lead by example, our communities benefit from real, lasting change.

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Did you know?

CASPA originally stood for

Child & Adolescent Specialist Programs & Accommodation

We dropped the acronym when we expanded our services to include support for people with disabilities, but the name stuck.

Our story

Three CASPA staff standing together outside, smiling
  • Adult and Young Person Icon Large Orange

    Founded in 2017, CASPA is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to supporting vulnerable young people, their families and people with disabilities.

  • Simple Home with Heart Large Orange

    We provide the care and connection they need, welcoming everyone into our village, no matter their background or beliefs.

  • Document with Magnifying Glass Extra Large Orange

    With compassion, transparency, and evidence-based practices, we work to create brighter futures for those we serve, believing that connection and support help communities thrive.

  • Location Pin Icon Large Orange

    Our skilled team of 700 delivers services across NSW, QLD, WA and NT. As advocates for child safety, we support the recommendations of the 2016 Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission.

Our impact

  • 58

    Successful family reunifications over the last 5 years

  • 6.7%

    Increase in placement stability over the last 12 months
  • 120

    Young people supported by CASPA's alternative schooling
  • 60

    Young people were skills trained through CASPA's social enterprises
Read our Annual Report for 2024

Our theory of change

  • Hands Holding Heart Extra Large White
    When we provide holistic support

  • Simple Home with Heart Large White
    We foster healing, safety and protection

  • Family Icon Simple Large White
    Which leads to stronger families and resilient communities

  • Sun Icon Large White
    And results in sustainable change for their futures

A white woman and child working on a puzzle together in a home setting

CASPA near you

CASPA serves regional areas across New South Wales, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory, with dedicated after hours support teams to support your community.

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