Our impact
CASPA envisions a world that has safe, resilient communities, sustainable economies, equitable social justice and thriving youth. When we provide informed care that creates protection for young people, fewer enter care, which leads to sustainable change in their quality of life. It increases their potential to contribute to our communities in a positive way, which reduces social and economic strains. Our communities become safer, stronger, and more inclusive, which benefits us all.

Our impact
In 2024 CASPA supported

Young people transition to independent living
Individuals through Casino Family Support
Individuals with disabilities
More young people find placement stability
Community collaboration
We know that we can’t achieve our mission alone. CASPA is grateful to have strong connections with many departments and organisations in our community, and for the increased impact we can have when we work together.
Out-Of-Home Care (OOHC) Health Pathways through NSW Health
Under the OOHC Health Pathway Program, assessments are undertaken by a variety of providers. Individually tailored health management plans are then developed. The program supports young people to build ongoing relationships with trusted professionals while encouraging participation and autonomy over their own health.
Ngunya Jarjum, an Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO)
CASPA fully supports the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies (ACWA) transition of care plan for NSW. We are committed to collaborating with ACCO's like Ngunya Jarjum to transfer all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people in out-of-home care to culturally appropriate agencies.
The Joint Protocol with Police
The Joint Protocol is a program that aims to help young people living in residential care accommodation to avoid contact with the criminal justice system. CASPA facilitates monthly Joint Protocol meetings with the police serving all of our locations. Since beginning these meetings in 2016, property crime performed by youth in our locations has seen a reduction from 70-80 % to 10-12%.
Regular meetings with locals to support young people in our care to work through conflict with their communities.
Project-based learning and life skill development for young people disengaged from mainstream education.
And more...
Other partners include those from the corporate sector, academia, local governments, philanthropists and impact investors.

The finer details
Do you love facts and figures? Have a read through our annual and impact reports below.