CASPA team joined CEO Sleepout shining light on homeless issue

CASPA's commitment to raising awareness and funds for homelessness was evident as our CEO, Naarah Rodwell, NT Director Nathan Baunach, and Executive Director Strategy, Partnerships and Impacts Oksana Tkachenko took part in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout. This event, held on the shortest day (and one of the coldest in Brisbane) of the year, challenged corporate leaders to spend a night sleeping rough and experience the harsh realities faced by those without a home. Nathan participated in the Darwin event, raising over $1,500 while Naarah and Oksana braved the cold night in Brisbane, collectively raising an impressive $8,380 for St Vinnies.

During the CEO Sleepout, our CASPA leaders were provided with minimal supplies - only a sleeping bag, a piece of cardboard, and a simple soup for dinner. This stark contrast to the comforts of home highlighted the hardships faced by people experiencing homelessness. Our team searched for a suitable spot, a patch of soft grass, to set up their makeshift "camp" for the night, ready to experience a glimpse of what it's like to sleep rough.

However, the Vinnies CEO Sleepout went beyond just a rough night's sleep. It required our team to truly understand the impact of homelessness and grapple with the financial constraints faced in these circumstances. Leaders took part in a cost-of-living exercise, assuming the persona of a homeless person and having to manage with only $120 each week. This amount had to cover a week's worth of food, drinks, hygiene products, and transportation services for each persona. This eye-opening experience shed light on the challenges of meeting basic needs while living on a limited budget.

Throughout the event, Vinnies hosted inspiring keynote speakers who shared their personal stories and efforts in combating homelessness. The alarming statistic that 30% of young people become homeless within their first year after leaving out-of-home care emphasized the need for awareness and support. At CASPA, we are dedicated to reducing this risk by preparing young people for life after care, providing them with adequate job training, and setting them up for success.

Participating in the Vinnies CEO Sleepout was an educational journey for our team. It not only challenged our perceptions but also expanded our knowledge and understanding of homelessness. It reinforced the crucial role of community support and highlighted the urgency of addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate homelessness. CASPA remains committed to making a difference and working towards a society where everyone has a safe and stable place to call home.