Home Functional life skills

Functional life skills



Learning skills for life

CASPA believes everyone, regardless of their ability or background, deserves the opportunity to thrive. We want to support you in achieving your goals and being an active member of your community.

Our supportive and knowledgeable staff will work with you in your daily life to develop the skills you want.

Everyone is different, and our team is committed to understanding how you want to be supported and helping you grow your independence. 

What do we help with?

  • CASPA_HandsHeart@4x
    Personal care

  • CASPA_Clipboard@4x
    Budgeting & paying bills

  • CASPA_CupCoffee@2x
    Meal planning & grocery shopping

  • CASPA_Laptop@4x
    Learning skills for employment

  • CASPA_JarLove@2x
    Looking after your physical & mental health

  • CASPA_Tools@4x
    Household chores

  • CASPA_Family@2x
    Connecting with community


Get in touch

If you have hearing or speech impairments, the National Relay Service can help assist.

Voice relay service: 1300 555 727
Teletypewriter service: 133 677
SMS relay service: 0423 677 767

Fill out our NDIS enquiry form, and we’ll get back to you within 2 business days.

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