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Supported independent living (SIL)

You deserve to find your independence and live your life, your way

CASPA's supported independent living, or SIL, program, equips you with the supports and empowers you with the tools you need to find your independence and achieve your goals.

The world is a hard place to navigate without an informed support system, regardless of your ability.

CASPA believes that when we provide wrap-around supports and tailored opportunities for growth, we nurture healing, safety and protection.

This leads to stronger, more resilient individuals and communities, which results in sustainable changes for the future.

For everyone.

Be empowered to

  • Key Icon Large Orange
    Move out of your family home

  • Hands Holding Heart Extra Large Orange
    Manage your own personal care

  • Clipboard with Checked Items Extra Large Orange
    Develop routines that work for you


  • Cup of Coffee with Heart Large Orange
    Plan and cook nutritious and delicious meals

  • Question Speech Bubbles Extra Large Orange
    Attend appointments

  • House Icon Detailed Large Orange
    Maintain your home


  • Diamond Icon Large Orange
    Manage and use money

  • Mountain with Summit Flag Extra Large Orange
    Work towards your goals

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Real life stories: Blake

I have been with CASPA learning to live independently for the past two years. When I first arrived at CASPA I was non-verbal and often used my mobility chair for transportation due to my cerebral palsy.

Since then, my life has changed a lot. Through determination and working with my amazing disability support workers I have managed to build my “super muscles” up with the doctors so that I can walk all by myself. I have even learnt my ABC’s and can now communicate my needs and jokes verbally without help.

My team has also taught me how to cook all by myself with minimal assistance required. That makes me feel excited and happy to be a “big man”.

Blake, an NDIS participant with CASPA

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