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CASPA stories

Inspired to build a better world

Striving for gender equality benefits everyone

CASPA is proud to be part of a female-dominated sector and support the progression of women within...
A same sex couple sit in comfortable conversation in an outdoor setting

Carer stories: Danni & Roxy

For Danni and Roxy, fostering wasn’t about fitting a mould. It was about expanding their family of...

CASPA's Empowering Ability event in Casino

At CASPA we embrace every opportunity to connect, collaborate, and celebrate the importance of...
A group of girl's dressed in festive green and red costumes dance energetically on a stage in front of a blue banner with a shooting star that reads CASPA

CASPA’s first ever Christmas Carnival in Lismore

On a rainy Saturday, community members gathered at the Lismore Turf Club to celebrate CASPA’s...
A mother and teenage son, embracing and smiling, stand in a kitchen filled with natural light.

Young people's stories: Tom

Last month, a quiet dinner marked an extraordinary milestone in the life of a teenager named Tom*...
A close up of an Aboriginal man's face. He is in his 60s and smiling.

NDIS stories: Patrick

When Patrick found himself unable to leave the hospital in his remote outback town due to a lack...
A family attends a therapy session, the father and son embracing. The setting is comfortable and light.

CASPA at the 2024 Child and Adolescent Mental Health Symposium

At this year’s Child and Adolescent Mental Health Symposium on the Gold Coast, we were proud to see...
Children happily running together outside at sunset.

Policy advocacy: Upholding children's rights

CASPA is at the forefront of advocating for children's rights in Australia, particularly focusing...
A white woman with long dark hair stands in front of the CEO Sleepout sign. She is wearing warm clothes and holding a large back and a cardboard box with her message of hope written on it.

CASPA at the CEO Sleepout

On one of the coldest nights of the year, CASPA leaders joined forces with other corporate...
A young person and their mentor working together to complete maintenance work in a home.

Young people's stories: Milo

Milo* is taking an exciting step toward his future, beginning an apprenticeship as a carpenter....
A couple walk happily together outside. A young child sits on the man's shoulders.

Carer stories: Tania & Evan

Tania and Evan had been long-time carers with CASPA, dedicated to providing children in need with...
A young, Indigenous girl with a half smile on her face looks at the camera. She is standing in a bright, open garden.

Young people's stories: Jasmine

At CASPA, we believe in the power of family restoration, knowing that where it is safe and...
An Aboriginal woman in covers her face and crouches down in healing smoke.

Policy advocacy: The Voice to Parliament

CASPA supports the proposed amendment to the Constitution recognising Australia’s Aboriginal and...
A young Aborginal person's feet standing in a creek.

CASPA launches Cultural Program for young people

CASPA recently held our first Cultural Program for young people in the Northern Territory at...
A young couple in formal attire dance together surrounded by balloons. They are happy..

Young people's stories: Sarah

For young people living in out-of-home care, high school can come with unique challenges, and...
A mum and dad laugh and play with their three daughters on the floor in a living room setting.

Alaia's Place: Supporting family restoration

At CASPA, family restoration is a cornerstone of our work. We are dedicated to providing safe and...
A smiling young person in blue stands on a jetty holding a fish they caught.

CASPA and young people reeling in confidence

The CASPA Northern Territory Education team recently hosted a fishing day at Mandorah Jetty,...
Aborginal people dancing in the red dirt.

CASPA’s trip to the Laura Quinkan Dance Festival

CASPA’S Aboriginal Services and Support team took seven of our young people on the trip of a...
A woman and young person work on a puzzle together on the floor in a living room setting

CASPA's Relationships to Recovery

This year, CASPA launched our new therapeutic framework: Relationships to Recovery. This framework...

CASPA's Happy Paws, Happy Hearts program

At CASPA, our education team is always looking for innovative ways to help young people re-engage...
A young person stands in a well lit workshop, reviewing paperwork. She is wearing a flannel shirt and work pants.

Young people's stories: Aurora

For Aurora*, joining CASPA’s Hammers 4 Hope team marks an exciting step toward her future. This...
A young person in supported conversation with an adult in a bright outdoor setting.

CASPA delivers Intensive Therapeutic Residential Care

CASPA's intensive therapeutic residential care program supports children and young people in the...
A young woman with down syndrome, wearing a yellow sweater, sits comfortably using a tablet in a warm, lounge room setting

NDIS stories: Julia

Our NDIS team recently extended their reach to a remote Northern Territory community, located five...

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